Choirs and workshops for Adults


The YAM [YAMSEN Adult Music] group meets weekly on Friday mornings 10:30-12:00 during the academic year.  We swap fortnightly between singing and music workshops. 

Spring term events:
10 Jan–Cancelled due to snow and ice–Singing
17 Jan–Skyfallers concert
24 Jan–Singing
31 Jan–Topaz jazz band
7 Feb–Singing
14 Feb–Valentine’s Cards workshop
no session 21 Feb for half term
28 Feb–Musicals morning with Diane & Fran
7 Mar–Singing
14 Mar–Singing
21 Mar–Lewis Pugh music
28 Mar–Singing
4 April–Mrs Porter’s concert party

We meet at West Park United Reformed Church.  

We are a large group, and people who attend YAM are members. 

Each session costs £3.  Staff or carers who come with members do not pay.

Our songs and workshops are chosen with input from our members.

On singing mornings the YAM Singers meet to sing.  Some tunes include actions and props. Singers can choose to perform at various concerts and festivals throughout the year.  Members, family, friends and staff are invited to the concerts too!

Workshop mornings could have concerts, dance and movement, guest leaders, playing instruments, talent shows, arts and crafts.  

 If you or someone you work with would like to attend, please let us know and we will invite them to a taster session.

For more information including risk assessments, to request an invitation back, to register or to try a taster session, please contact one of our leaders.

YAMSEN member waves a rainbow ribbon stick at a YAM music workshop

You can contact us by email (below), or through the YAMSEN facebook page or @YamsenMusic X (twitter) account.  We appreciate what families or carers can do to help us and our customers to stay connected, so a big thank you!

Sue Siddall,, 0113 275 8991
Mavis West,, 0113 268 3302
Joanna Winster,, 07757 803439

Please note: YAM is a members only group. Please contact one of the choir leaders if you would like to try it out or join us.  Thank you!


What our members say about YAM mornings:

I like the fun with everybody and I look forward to coming every week

Everyone made to feel welcome, really nice happy friendly place.”

I enjoy a nice morning where I meet very nice people

And from a parent of a member: “Yam just goes from strength to strength. It’s great to see everyone enjoying themselves

YAM Singers singing at Leeds town hall.  They are dressed in black and white, and the stage has dramatic dark blue lights.